Here's the most recent conversations. Firstly with Leanne Perryman about how people and culture leaders can sustain a seat at the executive table, employee well-being programs, and much more.

Then it's Johnnie Moore the creator of 'Unhurried Conversations'.

The conversations below with Ed Brenegar on Trust and Richard Merrick, where we take a look behind the scenes of wise conversations, make great companions to the conversations with Leanne and Johnnie.

Pay what you feel is right for you is a feature of bespoke programs while fixed fee applies to public programs

'Pay what you feel is right for you'

A long time ago I embraced the concept of value based fees for my bespoke mentoring and speaking services. This meant that you and I reached a shared-view regarding the value to you of us working together.

In the past for my other services I offered a fixed fee. This meant that I was telling you the value of my services.

In today’s world true value  lies in the eyes of the beholder. Today choice is  precious and something to be savoured and so I feel the best approach is for you is ‘pay what you feel is right for you’. This puts you in charge of deciding the value to you.

I believe that paying a price that is relative to your income, and to the value you receive, is a fair system. Whatever amount you decide to invest is only ever known to you and me.

Conversation with Glenn Capelli and Allan Parker about Systems Thinking

Glenn's four great questions are below the video on YouTube. See part one of this series with Glenn below.

Here's some more
My full YouTube channel is here.

Below is my conversation with Claudia Brose about Giving Attention.

Below is my conversation with Dr. Maree Harris about self-leadership.

Below is part fifteen in my series with Allan Parker 'Conversation About Conversations'.

Below the video on YouTube are links to the previous fourteen.

For my latest insights, inspirations, ideas and farsight subscribe to my newsletter on substack below

Below are recordings of previous wise leaders conversations with special guest sages and with sages and participants

Glenn Capelli on Systems Thinking.
Mark Le Busque on Humanising the workplace.
Keith Abraham on Abundance in a post pandemic world.
Jessica Berry on The Art of Intruition.

More videos here.

Gary Ryan on Disruptive Leadership.
Erica Bagshaw on Heart-connected leadership.
Dawn Kotzer on Mojo Now. 
Simone Boer on Energy Flow.
Sue Heatherington on The Role of Quiet Disruptors.
Brad Tonini on Selling in the new world.
Peter Merrett on Awakening Wonder.
Simone Boer on setting yourself free from limiting beliefs.
David Deane-spread on The consistent truth about leadership.
Jason Fox on What roles will you play in 2021.
Colin James on What Covid has taught us about Communication.
Paul Schmeja on Delivering The Experience.
Simone Boer on The Keys To A Fulfilled Life.
Peter Milligan on Love Living In Your Learning Zone.
Anne Riches on Navigating The Mindfield.
Steve Simpson on UGR’s (Unwritten Ground Rules) and Culture.
Susan Furness on Strategic Heartistry.